Sunday, 31 March 2019

Commercial Geography

Important Questions

Section B
Describe the importance of commercial geography for an industrilist.
Write note on alteration energy resources
State the commercial uses of sugar cane
The major fishing industries in the world are found in cool and moderate climatic region. Give any one reason
Write the advantages of forest
Write a note on textile industry development in china.
What are economical activities. Describe any two of them.
2nd part
Describe the mean of irrigation in pakistan
Why rice not grow in balochistan on large scale?
Differentiate between barrage and dam.
List any four advantages of motorway over National highways.
State agriculture problems of pakistan.
Write short note on natural gas field of pakistan.

Section c
Give an account of cotton textile industry in the world
What are the main causes that can produce high population density.
Why is gold call precious metal? Describe the world distribution of gold
Give an account of rice producing countries in asia.
2nd long part
What are the main sources of electricity generation on pakistan? Give an account of thermal power production on pakistan.
Describe the physical regions of pakistan and give an account of the upper indus plain.

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