*Common Medical Abbreviations*
> *Rx* = Treatment
> *Hx* = History
> *Dx* = Diagnosis
> *q* = Every
> *qd* = Every day
> *qod* = Every other day
> *qh* = Every Hour
> *S* = without
> *SS* = One & half
> *C* = With
> *SOS* = If needed
> *AC* = Before Meals
> *PC* = After meals
> *BID* = Twice a Day
> *TID* = Thrice a Day
> *QID* = Four times a day
> *OD* = Once a Day
> *BT* = Bed Time
> *hs* = Bed Time
> *BBF* = Before Breakfast
> *BD* = Before Dinner
> *Tw* = Twice a week
> *SQ* = sub cutaneous
> *IM* = Intramuscular
> *ID* = Intradermal
> *IV* = Intravenous
> *Q4H* = (every 4 hours)
> *QOD* = (every other day)
> *HS* = (at bedtime)
> *PRN* = (as needed)
> *PO or "per os"* (by mouth)
> *Mg* = (milligrams)
> *Mcg/ug* = (micrograms)
> *G or Gm* = (grams)
> *1TSF* (Teaspoon) = 5 ml
> *1 Tablespoonful* =15ml
~ *DDx* =differential Diagnosis
*Tx* =Treatment
*RTx* =Radiotherapy
*CTx* =Chemotherapy
*R/O* =rule out
*s.p* =status post
*PMH(x)* ost medical history
*Px* rognosis
*Ix* =Indication
*CIx* =contraindication
*Bx* =biopsy
*Cx* =complication...
*Knowledge About Blood*
1. Which is known as ‘River of Life’?
*Answer: Blood*
2. Blood circulation was discovered by?
*Answer: William Harvey*
3. The total blood volume in an adult?
*Answer: 5-6 Litres*
4. The pH value of Human blood?
*Answer: 7.35-7.45*
5. The normal blood cholesterol level?
*Answer: 150-250 mg/100 ml*
6. The fluid part of blood?
*Answer: Plasma*
7. Plasma protein fibrinogen has an active role in?
*Answer: Clotting of blood*
8. Plasma protein globulins functions as?
*Answer: Antibodies*
9. Plasma proteins maintain the blood pH?
*Answer: Albumins*
10. Biconcave discs shaped blood cell?
*Answer: RBC* (Erythrocytes)
*11. Non nucleated blood cell?*
*Answer: RBC* (Erythrocytes)
12. Respiratory pigments present in RBC?
*Answer: Haemoglobin*
13. Red pigment present in RBC?
*Answer: Haemoglobin*
14. RBC produced in the?
*Answer: Bone marrow*
15. Iron containing pigment of Haemoglobin?
*Answer: Haem*
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Friday, 15 November 2019
★ #Biology_And_Medical_MCQs ★
Q1. Biosensor is used to measure?
A. Blood glucose level ✔✔✔
B. The body pH value
C. Amount of hemoglobin
D. Salinity in Urine
Q2. Digestion of food is completed in the __________.
A. small intestine ✔✔✔
B. large intestine
C. stomach
D. Liver
Q3. Carrot is good source of Vitamin?
A. A
B. B complex ✔✔✔
C. C
D. D
Q4. For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential.
A. iodine
B. copper
C. fluorine ✔✔✔
D. iron
Q5. Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth.
A. zinc ✔✔✔
B. iodine
C. copper
D. iron
Q6. Meteorology is the study of?
A. seasons
B. atmosphere ✔✔✔
C. air and sounds
D. winds and clouds
Q7. The Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume, is
A. 0.039% ✔✔✔
B. 3.9%
C. 13%
D. 30%
Q8. Diamond is an allotropic form of
A. Carbon ✔✔✔
B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen
D. Silicon
Q9. The good sources of Vitamin-A are
A. green leafy vegetables ✔✔✔
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods
Q10. The good sources of Vitamin-B Complex are
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds ✔✔✔
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods
Q11. The good sources of Vitamin-C are
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits ✔✔✔
D. sea foods
Q12. The good sources of iodine are
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods ✔✔✔
Q1. Biosensor is used to measure?
A. Blood glucose level ✔✔✔
B. The body pH value
C. Amount of hemoglobin
D. Salinity in Urine
Q2. Digestion of food is completed in the __________.
A. small intestine ✔✔✔
B. large intestine
C. stomach
D. Liver
Q3. Carrot is good source of Vitamin?
A. A
B. B complex ✔✔✔
C. C
D. D
Q4. For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential.
A. iodine
B. copper
C. fluorine ✔✔✔
D. iron
Q5. Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth.
A. zinc ✔✔✔
B. iodine
C. copper
D. iron
Q6. Meteorology is the study of?
A. seasons
B. atmosphere ✔✔✔
C. air and sounds
D. winds and clouds
Q7. The Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume, is
A. 0.039% ✔✔✔
B. 3.9%
C. 13%
D. 30%
Q8. Diamond is an allotropic form of
A. Carbon ✔✔✔
B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen
D. Silicon
Q9. The good sources of Vitamin-A are
A. green leafy vegetables ✔✔✔
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods
Q10. The good sources of Vitamin-B Complex are
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds ✔✔✔
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods
Q11. The good sources of Vitamin-C are
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits ✔✔✔
D. sea foods
Q12. The good sources of iodine are
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods ✔✔✔
1. The length of IP address is? Ans. 32 bits
2. Facebook was launched in? Ans. 2004
3. The docx file contains? Ans: MS Office Word
4. The file extension DLL stands for? Ans. Dynamic Link Library
5. The extension of a MS Access Database is? Ans. mdb.
6. The key combination used to permanently delete a file from Windows computer? Ans. Shift + delete
7. Shortcut Key to open a new document is? Ans. Ctrl + N
8. Data is permanently stored in? Ans. Hard Disk
9. What are the steps to upgrade a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version of Windows? Ans. It cannot be upgraded
10. To change a lowercase letter to uppercase and uppercase letter to lowercase select? Ans. Sentence Case
11. CSS stands for: Ans. Cascading Style Sheets
12. The general format of the URL is as follows: Ans. type: // Address /path /
13. The computer abbreviation “OS” stands for: Ans. Operating System
14. The shortcut key to delete a file without sending to recycle Bin is: Ans. Shift + Del
15. How many versions of Windows 8 for PC have been released? Ans. 3 versions
16. A group of 8 bits is called: Ans. Byte
17. To subscript a text, shortcut key is: Ans. Ctrl + <
18. The file extension .jsp stands for: Ans. Java Server Page
19. What is the full form of WWW? Ans. World Wide Web
20. The microphone converts the sound into: Ans. Electrical Signals
21. A device which connects multiple nodes to the network is: Ans. A hub
1. The length of IP address is? Ans. 32 bits
2. Facebook was launched in? Ans. 2004
3. The docx file contains? Ans: MS Office Word
4. The file extension DLL stands for? Ans. Dynamic Link Library
5. The extension of a MS Access Database is? Ans. mdb.
6. The key combination used to permanently delete a file from Windows computer? Ans. Shift + delete
7. Shortcut Key to open a new document is? Ans. Ctrl + N
8. Data is permanently stored in? Ans. Hard Disk
9. What are the steps to upgrade a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version of Windows? Ans. It cannot be upgraded
10. To change a lowercase letter to uppercase and uppercase letter to lowercase select? Ans. Sentence Case
11. CSS stands for: Ans. Cascading Style Sheets
12. The general format of the URL is as follows: Ans. type: // Address /path /
13. The computer abbreviation “OS” stands for: Ans. Operating System
14. The shortcut key to delete a file without sending to recycle Bin is: Ans. Shift + Del
15. How many versions of Windows 8 for PC have been released? Ans. 3 versions
16. A group of 8 bits is called: Ans. Byte
17. To subscript a text, shortcut key is: Ans. Ctrl + <
18. The file extension .jsp stands for: Ans. Java Server Page
19. What is the full form of WWW? Ans. World Wide Web
20. The microphone converts the sound into: Ans. Electrical Signals
21. A device which connects multiple nodes to the network is: Ans. A hub
1- Cutin is a lipid. It is not a protein.
2- Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar.
3- Isoprenoids are monomers of carotenoids, steroids and terpenes.
4- ATP, RuBP, NADP all have ribose sugar in them
5- Most enzymes work at slightly Alkaline pH.
6- With each cardiac output Kidney receives 10 %.{ both Kidneys receive 20 %}
7- In a molecule of DNA nucleotides are linked both vertically and horizontally.
8- Tetroses are least abundant carbohydrates in nature.
9- Charged pores in a cell membrane are formed by Channel proteins.
10- Cytokinesis is the division of CELL after the division of cytoplasm. It is not the division of cytoplasm.
11- Bacterial chromosome has DNA only, nothing else.
12-NOSTOC lacks mitochondria and hence it is not present.
13- Chromosome condensation is at PEAK in METAPHASE phase.
14- All those sugars ending in ''ulose'' are KETO SUGARS {exceptions are Fructose and Dihydroxyacetone}, these are also keto.
15- Agar, Pectin, Starch do not contain NITROGEN in them.
16- CHITIN has NITROGEN in it.
17- Alkaloids {Nicotine, Daturine and Atropine} are frequently present in SOLANACEA family.
18- Acoelomates, Psuedocoelomates, Coelomates ALL have MESODERM in them.
19-CAPSID of Polio Virus is SPHERICAL in shape.
20- ENDOSPORES are formed during DECLINE phase.
21-Spores are formed during ASEXUAL reproduction in Rhizopus.
22-Most superficial infections are caused by Duetromycetes fungi.
23-RED ALGAE also help in Coral formation.
24-Secondary host of Liver fluke is SNAIL.
25-TRANSDUCED bacterium has three types of DNA in it. {Of itself, of other bacteria and of Virus}
26-RHIZOPUS is Aseptate and Multinucleate.
27-Bacteriophage is always DNA, it cannot have RNA.
28-First organ system ever developed in evolution after formation of Mesoderm is neither Digestive, nor Nervous but it is EXCRETORY system by PLATYHELMENTHES.
29-HYDRA has no specialized muscle cells because it lacks MESODERM.
30-Triploblastic animals with radial symmetry are not Coelenterates, Arthropoda, and Chordates.
31-Mesoderm has originated from cell extensions of ectoderm and endoderm.
32-In most of the animals around us OPEN TYPE blood circulation is present.
33-Longest part of Digestive system is ILEUM.
34-innermost layer of digestive systems is MUCOSA.
35- Pancreas is involved in Chemical digestion of LIPIDS.
36-Mucous is made of Glycoprotein.
37-Trypsinogen is activated by Enterokinase enzyme.
38-Ciliated Epithelial cells are present in TRACHEA.
39-Respiratory surface is 2-cell thick.
40-CO, carbon monoxide has highest affinity for Hemoglobin-
41-Ptaylin works on the food when it passes through esophagus.
42- One fatty acid does not combine with another fatty acid and hence no linkage is present in two fatty acids.
43-An oxygen molecule in an alveolar space crosses 5 membranes till it reaches our red blood cells.
44- Hemoglobin can carry both CO and CO2, 02 and CO2 simultaneously.
45- Pappilary muscles are extensions of Endocardium.
46-In case of fungal infections Eosinophils increases in numbers.
47-Lymph flow requires a strong pumping by blood.
48-Mitral valve is also known as Bicuspid valve.
49-Urinogenital tract is also known as Urethra.
50-Maximum re-absorption of water takes place in Proximal Convoluted Tubule.
51-Covering of Kidneys is Fibrous capsule.
52-Kidney interstitium is related to Aldosterone for more concentration.
53-Hepatic Vein has maximum amount of Urea.
54-Antibodies are transferred from mother to both fetus and Neonate.
55-Interferon are the antibiotics produced against viral attack.
56-Maturation of sperms takes place in Epididymus.
57-Thickest layer of female reproductive tract is Myometrium.
58-First polar body is present along with secondary oocyte.
59-Thickest endometrium is present just before Menstruation.
60-Bulbouretheral gland performs the function of neutralization of urine and lubrication.
61-Testosterone is secreted in human male before birth.
62-Ovulation relates to the release of secondary oocyte.
63-Olecranium process is the process involved in locking Ulna and Elbow joint.
64-Smooth muscles first time appeared in Phylum Platyhelmenthes.
65-Digestion is not controlled by Cerebrum.
66-Medulla connects brain with spinal cord.
67-Adrenaline and nor-adrenaline are synergistic.
68-Veinous blood contains hormones.
69-Posterior lobe of Pituitary secretes ADH, secretes Oxytocin but does not synthesize any hormone.
70-Adrenaline dilates the pupil and ATROPINE also has the same function.
71-Sense organs like ears, eyes and nose are controlled directly by fore brain.
72-Neuroglial cells are actually SCHWANN cells.
73-T-1 refers to producers, T-2 refers to primary consumers, T-3 refers to secondary consumers and T-4 refers to tertiary consumers.
74-Mycorhiza is an association between plants growing in Acidic soil.
75-Leaves are eaten by caterpillars and caterpillars are eaten by black birds.
76-Grasses are resistant to grazing due to underground stem.
77-Pesticide kills both insects and weeds.
78-Stability in system is related to Food Web; more complex the web, the more is stability of the system.
79-Symbiosis most correctly refers to living together of two organisms.
80-Herbivores are referred to as Primary Consumers and hence possess maximum amount of energy.
81-A car parked in sunlight and its temperature is higher than outside. It is an example of Green house effect phenomenon.
82-10% energy flows from one level to another of the total amount of energy.
83-Relation between T2 and T1 is GRAZING.
84-relation between T2 and T3 is called Predation.
85-Green house gases are CO2 and CFCs.
86-Food web is beneficial with more number of chains in it.
87-Parasitism, Commensalism and Mutualism can be present between the same species.
88-Retrovirus is used for Gene Therapy.
89-20 RNA nucleotides in the primer of PCR.
90-Male and female has more number of genes and more number of alleles respectively.
91-Autosomal diseases include color blindness and hemophilia.
92-Bombay disease refers to lack of an attacement factor.
93-50% RBC make composition of blood.
94-Community is a biotic factor of the ecosystem.
95-Golgi apparatus is absent in Blue green algae which is a prokaryote.
96-Asperigillus is an example of Brown mold.
97-Atropine and Adrenaline are synergistic.
98-Enterobius Vermicularis is present in Large intestine.
99-Primase plays the role of first logical step in the process of DNA replication.
100-During replication nucleotides used are triphosphates.
101-Golgi vesicles forming Golgi apparatus probably bud off from Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
102-Hollow peristaltic contractions are called Hunger pangs.
103-Glycerol is absorbed in VILLI.
104-Carbonic acid is formed red blood cells.
105-Semilunar valves are present in heart, blood vessels and lymph vessels.
106-Granulocytes are polymorpho nuclear in nature.
107-Lithotripsy removes all types of stones present in gall bladder, urinary bladder and Kidney.
108-Eosinophil and Basophil are antagonistic to each other.
109-Fibrinogen, Thrombocytes and Basophills all are involved in clotting of blood directly or indirectly.
110-Basophills release Heparin.
111-Urine is formed in Distal convoluted tubule.
112-CO is neutral in nature.
113-Single molecule of Haemoglobin has 4 iron groups in it.
114-Hip and shoulder joint are synovial joints.
115-Hormones are always released in Veinous blood.
116-Unmarried lady has more number of degenerated Corpus Luteum .
117-Ligaments differ from tendons in having Elastin.
118-Fermentation occurs in cytosole and Mitochondria.
119-Plasmid gene transfer are used for bacteria only.
120-DNA ligase not required for PCR.
121-Antigen of donor reacts with antibody of recipient.
122-Hydrogen bonds are more sensitive as compared to other bonds
123-Chlorophyll a is common in antenna complex and reaction center of photosynthesis.
124-Evolution operates upon population.
125-Product of evolution is the origin of a new species.
126-Pilli are made up of PILLIN protein.
127-Wheat grain is seed as well as fruit.
128-Structural unit Reflex action is Neuron.
129-Nerve Tracts are part of Central Nervous System.
130-Secretion of Histamine by Basophills is sometimes related with use of Penicillin.
131-Carotid Labyrinth is a swallowing at the base of carotid artery and its function is to maintain the pressure of blood.
132-Most common form of glucose is in Ring form.
133-In prokaryotes the transcription takes place in nucleoid.
134-Leaves of Bamboo are used to cure the Horses.
135-Antibodies are present in blood lymph and interstitial fluid.
136-Retrovirus are not used in genetic engineering in bacteria.
137-Aristotle first discussed evolution
1- Cutin is a lipid. It is not a protein.
2- Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar.
3- Isoprenoids are monomers of carotenoids, steroids and terpenes.
4- ATP, RuBP, NADP all have ribose sugar in them
5- Most enzymes work at slightly Alkaline pH.
6- With each cardiac output Kidney receives 10 %.{ both Kidneys receive 20 %}
7- In a molecule of DNA nucleotides are linked both vertically and horizontally.
8- Tetroses are least abundant carbohydrates in nature.
9- Charged pores in a cell membrane are formed by Channel proteins.
10- Cytokinesis is the division of CELL after the division of cytoplasm. It is not the division of cytoplasm.
11- Bacterial chromosome has DNA only, nothing else.
12-NOSTOC lacks mitochondria and hence it is not present.
13- Chromosome condensation is at PEAK in METAPHASE phase.
14- All those sugars ending in ''ulose'' are KETO SUGARS {exceptions are Fructose and Dihydroxyacetone}, these are also keto.
15- Agar, Pectin, Starch do not contain NITROGEN in them.
16- CHITIN has NITROGEN in it.
17- Alkaloids {Nicotine, Daturine and Atropine} are frequently present in SOLANACEA family.
18- Acoelomates, Psuedocoelomates, Coelomates ALL have MESODERM in them.
19-CAPSID of Polio Virus is SPHERICAL in shape.
20- ENDOSPORES are formed during DECLINE phase.
21-Spores are formed during ASEXUAL reproduction in Rhizopus.
22-Most superficial infections are caused by Duetromycetes fungi.
23-RED ALGAE also help in Coral formation.
24-Secondary host of Liver fluke is SNAIL.
25-TRANSDUCED bacterium has three types of DNA in it. {Of itself, of other bacteria and of Virus}
26-RHIZOPUS is Aseptate and Multinucleate.
27-Bacteriophage is always DNA, it cannot have RNA.
28-First organ system ever developed in evolution after formation of Mesoderm is neither Digestive, nor Nervous but it is EXCRETORY system by PLATYHELMENTHES.
29-HYDRA has no specialized muscle cells because it lacks MESODERM.
30-Triploblastic animals with radial symmetry are not Coelenterates, Arthropoda, and Chordates.
31-Mesoderm has originated from cell extensions of ectoderm and endoderm.
32-In most of the animals around us OPEN TYPE blood circulation is present.
33-Longest part of Digestive system is ILEUM.
34-innermost layer of digestive systems is MUCOSA.
35- Pancreas is involved in Chemical digestion of LIPIDS.
36-Mucous is made of Glycoprotein.
37-Trypsinogen is activated by Enterokinase enzyme.
38-Ciliated Epithelial cells are present in TRACHEA.
39-Respiratory surface is 2-cell thick.
40-CO, carbon monoxide has highest affinity for Hemoglobin-
41-Ptaylin works on the food when it passes through esophagus.
42- One fatty acid does not combine with another fatty acid and hence no linkage is present in two fatty acids.
43-An oxygen molecule in an alveolar space crosses 5 membranes till it reaches our red blood cells.
44- Hemoglobin can carry both CO and CO2, 02 and CO2 simultaneously.
45- Pappilary muscles are extensions of Endocardium.
46-In case of fungal infections Eosinophils increases in numbers.
47-Lymph flow requires a strong pumping by blood.
48-Mitral valve is also known as Bicuspid valve.
49-Urinogenital tract is also known as Urethra.
50-Maximum re-absorption of water takes place in Proximal Convoluted Tubule.
51-Covering of Kidneys is Fibrous capsule.
52-Kidney interstitium is related to Aldosterone for more concentration.
53-Hepatic Vein has maximum amount of Urea.
54-Antibodies are transferred from mother to both fetus and Neonate.
55-Interferon are the antibiotics produced against viral attack.
56-Maturation of sperms takes place in Epididymus.
57-Thickest layer of female reproductive tract is Myometrium.
58-First polar body is present along with secondary oocyte.
59-Thickest endometrium is present just before Menstruation.
60-Bulbouretheral gland performs the function of neutralization of urine and lubrication.
61-Testosterone is secreted in human male before birth.
62-Ovulation relates to the release of secondary oocyte.
63-Olecranium process is the process involved in locking Ulna and Elbow joint.
64-Smooth muscles first time appeared in Phylum Platyhelmenthes.
65-Digestion is not controlled by Cerebrum.
66-Medulla connects brain with spinal cord.
67-Adrenaline and nor-adrenaline are synergistic.
68-Veinous blood contains hormones.
69-Posterior lobe of Pituitary secretes ADH, secretes Oxytocin but does not synthesize any hormone.
70-Adrenaline dilates the pupil and ATROPINE also has the same function.
71-Sense organs like ears, eyes and nose are controlled directly by fore brain.
72-Neuroglial cells are actually SCHWANN cells.
73-T-1 refers to producers, T-2 refers to primary consumers, T-3 refers to secondary consumers and T-4 refers to tertiary consumers.
74-Mycorhiza is an association between plants growing in Acidic soil.
75-Leaves are eaten by caterpillars and caterpillars are eaten by black birds.
76-Grasses are resistant to grazing due to underground stem.
77-Pesticide kills both insects and weeds.
78-Stability in system is related to Food Web; more complex the web, the more is stability of the system.
79-Symbiosis most correctly refers to living together of two organisms.
80-Herbivores are referred to as Primary Consumers and hence possess maximum amount of energy.
81-A car parked in sunlight and its temperature is higher than outside. It is an example of Green house effect phenomenon.
82-10% energy flows from one level to another of the total amount of energy.
83-Relation between T2 and T1 is GRAZING.
84-relation between T2 and T3 is called Predation.
85-Green house gases are CO2 and CFCs.
86-Food web is beneficial with more number of chains in it.
87-Parasitism, Commensalism and Mutualism can be present between the same species.
88-Retrovirus is used for Gene Therapy.
89-20 RNA nucleotides in the primer of PCR.
90-Male and female has more number of genes and more number of alleles respectively.
91-Autosomal diseases include color blindness and hemophilia.
92-Bombay disease refers to lack of an attacement factor.
93-50% RBC make composition of blood.
94-Community is a biotic factor of the ecosystem.
95-Golgi apparatus is absent in Blue green algae which is a prokaryote.
96-Asperigillus is an example of Brown mold.
97-Atropine and Adrenaline are synergistic.
98-Enterobius Vermicularis is present in Large intestine.
99-Primase plays the role of first logical step in the process of DNA replication.
100-During replication nucleotides used are triphosphates.
101-Golgi vesicles forming Golgi apparatus probably bud off from Smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
102-Hollow peristaltic contractions are called Hunger pangs.
103-Glycerol is absorbed in VILLI.
104-Carbonic acid is formed red blood cells.
105-Semilunar valves are present in heart, blood vessels and lymph vessels.
106-Granulocytes are polymorpho nuclear in nature.
107-Lithotripsy removes all types of stones present in gall bladder, urinary bladder and Kidney.
108-Eosinophil and Basophil are antagonistic to each other.
109-Fibrinogen, Thrombocytes and Basophills all are involved in clotting of blood directly or indirectly.
110-Basophills release Heparin.
111-Urine is formed in Distal convoluted tubule.
112-CO is neutral in nature.
113-Single molecule of Haemoglobin has 4 iron groups in it.
114-Hip and shoulder joint are synovial joints.
115-Hormones are always released in Veinous blood.
116-Unmarried lady has more number of degenerated Corpus Luteum .
117-Ligaments differ from tendons in having Elastin.
118-Fermentation occurs in cytosole and Mitochondria.
119-Plasmid gene transfer are used for bacteria only.
120-DNA ligase not required for PCR.
121-Antigen of donor reacts with antibody of recipient.
122-Hydrogen bonds are more sensitive as compared to other bonds
123-Chlorophyll a is common in antenna complex and reaction center of photosynthesis.
124-Evolution operates upon population.
125-Product of evolution is the origin of a new species.
126-Pilli are made up of PILLIN protein.
127-Wheat grain is seed as well as fruit.
128-Structural unit Reflex action is Neuron.
129-Nerve Tracts are part of Central Nervous System.
130-Secretion of Histamine by Basophills is sometimes related with use of Penicillin.
131-Carotid Labyrinth is a swallowing at the base of carotid artery and its function is to maintain the pressure of blood.
132-Most common form of glucose is in Ring form.
133-In prokaryotes the transcription takes place in nucleoid.
134-Leaves of Bamboo are used to cure the Horses.
135-Antibodies are present in blood lymph and interstitial fluid.
136-Retrovirus are not used in genetic engineering in bacteria.
137-Aristotle first discussed evolution
Chemistry MCQ's for Mcat/Ecat
Atoms, Molecules, Mixtures & Compounds
All are made up of millions of:
1. Atoms✔
2. Carbons
3. Molecules
4. Oxygen
An (a) ......... the smallest possible particle of element which has all the properties of that element:
1. Atoms✔
2. Carbons
3. Molecules
4. Oxygen
Elements are made up of:
1. Atoms✔
2. Carbons
3. Molecules
4. Oxygen
All atoms of an atom are:
1. Similar✔
2. Different
3. Both a & b
4. Rusty
The most common element found on the earth is:
1. Hydrogen
2. Carbons
3. Helium
4. Oxygen✔
The most simplest element found on the earth is:
1. Hydrogen✔
2. Carbons
3. Helium
4. Oxygen
When two or more Atoms combine together a (an)........ is formed :
1. Molecule✔
2. Atom
3. Both a & b
4. Oxygen
H2O is a chemical formula of:
1. Water✔
2. Milk
3. Salt
4. Sugar
A (an) .......... is the smallest particle of a compound and is made up of groups of atoms:
1. Molecule✔
2. Atom
3. Both a & b
4. Mixture
Molecules are not always made up of .......... elements:
1. Same
2. Similar
3. Different✔
4. Both a & b
Molecules are not always made up of .......... elements:
1. Same
2. Similar
3. Different✔
4. Both a & b
Name of Common Elements Symbols
Hydrogen H
Sodium Na
Carbon C
Nitrogen N
Oxygen O
Fluorine F
Chlorine Cl
Potassium K
Helium H
Neon Ne
Calcium Ca
Sulphar S
Phosphorus P
Aluminium Al
Magnesium Mg
Iron Fe
.......... are the simplest form of substance:
1. Atom
2. Molecule
3. Element✔
4. Both a & b
There are almost ....... elements found in nature:
1. 70
2. 120✔
3. 110
4. 100
.......... is the lightest gas and used for filling party and advertisement balloons:
1. Helium
2. Hydrogen✔
3. Oxygen
4. All of these
........, magnesium & iron are hard to used in building cars, bridges & houses:
1. Carbon
2. Aluminium✔
3. Fluorine
4. All of these
Metals and Non Metals are two important group of .......... on earth:
1. Mixtures
2. Elements✔
3. Compounds
4. All of these
Metals are usually solid at room temerature:
1. False
2. True✔
Metals can be drawn into sheets and wires:
1. False
2. True✔
Non Metals are often gases but some are also solid:
1. False
2. True✔
That made up by chemical combination of two or more elements:
1. Mixtures
2. Elements
3. Compounds✔
4. All of these
That are represented by formulas:
1. Mixtures
2. Elements
3. Compounds✔
4. All of these
Compounds Formulas
Carbon di-oxide CO2
Sodium Chloride NaCl
Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3
Water H2O
Sodium Hydroxide NaOH
It is made up of two or more substances, which are not combined chemically:
1. Mixture✔
2. Element
3. Compound
4. All of these
A........ can be separated into components by physical method:
1. Mixture✔
2. Element
3. Compound
4. All of these
A........ can be broken down into components by chemical method:
1. Mixture
2. Element
3. Compound✔
4. All of these
The components of ......... are mixed in a fixed ratio:
1. Mixture
2. Element
3. Compound✔
4. All of these
........... is mixture of gases:
1. Air✔
2. Solid
3. Liquid
4. All of these
........... % of Nitrogen gas in atmosphere:
1. 78✔
2. 21
3. 0.9
4. 0.037
........... % of Oxygen gas in atmosphere:
1. 78
2. 21✔
3. 0.9
4. 0.037
........... % of Other gases in atmosphere:
1. 78
2. 21
3. 0.9✔
4. 0.037
........... % of Carbon di-oxide gas in atmosphere:
1. 78
2. 21
3. 0.9
4. 0.037✔
The main reason of global warming due to the green house effect is:
1. Nitrogen
2. Hydrogen
3. Helium
4. Carbon dioxide✔
Planting more trees that convert carbon dioxide to .......... in the process of photosynthesis:
1. Lactose
2. Cellulose
3. Glucose✔
4. All of these
It is a process of separating insoluble solids from a mixture:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation
3. Filtration✔
4. Sublimation
You can separate a salt solution by another process called:
1. Crystallization✔
2. Distillation
3. Filtration
4. Sublimation
It is a process of purifying a liquid:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation✔
3. Filtration
4. Sublimation
It is a process of purifying a solid:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation
3. Filtration
4. Sublimation✔
It is a process that is used to separate coloured chemicals substances, especially dyes:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation
3. Filtratio
4. Chromatography✔
Which of the following has a positive charge:
1. Proton
2. Neutron
3. Electron
Atoms, Molecules, Mixtures & Compounds
All are made up of millions of:
1. Atoms✔
2. Carbons
3. Molecules
4. Oxygen
An (a) ......... the smallest possible particle of element which has all the properties of that element:
1. Atoms✔
2. Carbons
3. Molecules
4. Oxygen
Elements are made up of:
1. Atoms✔
2. Carbons
3. Molecules
4. Oxygen
All atoms of an atom are:
1. Similar✔
2. Different
3. Both a & b
4. Rusty
The most common element found on the earth is:
1. Hydrogen
2. Carbons
3. Helium
4. Oxygen✔
The most simplest element found on the earth is:
1. Hydrogen✔
2. Carbons
3. Helium
4. Oxygen
When two or more Atoms combine together a (an)........ is formed :
1. Molecule✔
2. Atom
3. Both a & b
4. Oxygen
H2O is a chemical formula of:
1. Water✔
2. Milk
3. Salt
4. Sugar
A (an) .......... is the smallest particle of a compound and is made up of groups of atoms:
1. Molecule✔
2. Atom
3. Both a & b
4. Mixture
Molecules are not always made up of .......... elements:
1. Same
2. Similar
3. Different✔
4. Both a & b
Molecules are not always made up of .......... elements:
1. Same
2. Similar
3. Different✔
4. Both a & b
Name of Common Elements Symbols
Hydrogen H
Sodium Na
Carbon C
Nitrogen N
Oxygen O
Fluorine F
Chlorine Cl
Potassium K
Helium H
Neon Ne
Calcium Ca
Sulphar S
Phosphorus P
Aluminium Al
Magnesium Mg
Iron Fe
.......... are the simplest form of substance:
1. Atom
2. Molecule
3. Element✔
4. Both a & b
There are almost ....... elements found in nature:
1. 70
2. 120✔
3. 110
4. 100
.......... is the lightest gas and used for filling party and advertisement balloons:
1. Helium
2. Hydrogen✔
3. Oxygen
4. All of these
........, magnesium & iron are hard to used in building cars, bridges & houses:
1. Carbon
2. Aluminium✔
3. Fluorine
4. All of these
Metals and Non Metals are two important group of .......... on earth:
1. Mixtures
2. Elements✔
3. Compounds
4. All of these
Metals are usually solid at room temerature:
1. False
2. True✔
Metals can be drawn into sheets and wires:
1. False
2. True✔
Non Metals are often gases but some are also solid:
1. False
2. True✔
That made up by chemical combination of two or more elements:
1. Mixtures
2. Elements
3. Compounds✔
4. All of these
That are represented by formulas:
1. Mixtures
2. Elements
3. Compounds✔
4. All of these
Compounds Formulas
Carbon di-oxide CO2
Sodium Chloride NaCl
Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3
Water H2O
Sodium Hydroxide NaOH
It is made up of two or more substances, which are not combined chemically:
1. Mixture✔
2. Element
3. Compound
4. All of these
A........ can be separated into components by physical method:
1. Mixture✔
2. Element
3. Compound
4. All of these
A........ can be broken down into components by chemical method:
1. Mixture
2. Element
3. Compound✔
4. All of these
The components of ......... are mixed in a fixed ratio:
1. Mixture
2. Element
3. Compound✔
4. All of these
........... is mixture of gases:
1. Air✔
2. Solid
3. Liquid
4. All of these
........... % of Nitrogen gas in atmosphere:
1. 78✔
2. 21
3. 0.9
4. 0.037
........... % of Oxygen gas in atmosphere:
1. 78
2. 21✔
3. 0.9
4. 0.037
........... % of Other gases in atmosphere:
1. 78
2. 21
3. 0.9✔
4. 0.037
........... % of Carbon di-oxide gas in atmosphere:
1. 78
2. 21
3. 0.9
4. 0.037✔
The main reason of global warming due to the green house effect is:
1. Nitrogen
2. Hydrogen
3. Helium
4. Carbon dioxide✔
Planting more trees that convert carbon dioxide to .......... in the process of photosynthesis:
1. Lactose
2. Cellulose
3. Glucose✔
4. All of these
It is a process of separating insoluble solids from a mixture:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation
3. Filtration✔
4. Sublimation
You can separate a salt solution by another process called:
1. Crystallization✔
2. Distillation
3. Filtration
4. Sublimation
It is a process of purifying a liquid:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation✔
3. Filtration
4. Sublimation
It is a process of purifying a solid:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation
3. Filtration
4. Sublimation✔
It is a process that is used to separate coloured chemicals substances, especially dyes:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation
3. Filtratio
4. Chromatography✔
Which of the following has a positive charge:
1. Proton
2. Neutron
3. Electron
Monday, 8 July 2019
Vocabulary for mcat
✔Agglomeration مجموعہ Collection
✔Aggrandize بڑھنا Increase
✔Aghast خطرناک Horrified
✔Agitate بھڑکانا Stir up
✔Agility تیز رفتاری Nimbleness
✔Alacrity تیزی Promptness
✔Agog جذباتی Curious
✔Allay کم کرناPacify
✔Allegiance وفاداری Loyalty
✔Allure مائل کرنا Entice
✔Ambush حملہ Attack
✔Amenable تابع Obedient
✔Amiss غلطWrong
✔Amity دوستیFriendship
👉Eulogy: تعریف ا praise
👉Exacerbate: مشکل یا تکلیف بڑھانا make worse
👉Exasperation: غصہ frustration and annoyance
👉Excise: قطع کرنا، محصول cut out
👉Exemplar: مثالی excellent example of
👉Exonerated: بری الذمہ proved not guilty; acquit
👉Exorbitant: بہت زیادہ excessive
👉Exotic: عجب strange; foreign
👉Expeditious: پھرتیلا speedy; hasten
👉Extant: باقی، بچا ہوا still in existence; opposite of extinct
👉Extirpation: تباہی destruction
👉Extol: تعریفوں کے پل باندھنا praise; glorify
👉Extrapolate: قیاسی علم لینا predict on the basis of existing data; extended
👉Facile: سان ترین over simplified
👉Faction: گروہ section; group with common interests
👉Fastidious:نک چڑا very fussy; excessively concerned (esp. about cleanliness)
👉Fawning: خوشامدی groveling; slavish; obsequious
👉Fidelity: وفاداری faithfulness; loyalty
👉Finagle: دھوکہ سے حاصل کرنا wheedle; wangle; trick
👉Finesse: مہارت skill
👉Fitful: غیر مسلسل intermittent; on and off; not continous
👉Flabbergast: سکتہ میں لانا shock; make speechless
👉Flag: خم کھانا ، جھنڈا to lose energy; to signal
👉Rambunctious: بے قابو boisterous; highly exuberant; unruly
👉Rancor: بد مزاجی bitterness and bad feeling
👉Ratify: منظوری دینا give approval to (official)
👉Raze: مٹا دینا ، ڈھانا known down, destroy
👉Reclusive: تنہائی پسند Avoid other people; solitary
👉Recrimination:الزام دینا blame
👉Rectitude: راست بازی uprightness
👉Redolent: خوشبو دار smelling of (literal or metaphoric)
👉Regressive: واپس مڑنا moving backwards (literal or metaphoric)
👉Rehash: پرانی چیزوں کو نیا بنا کر پیش کرنا revamp hurriedly/carelessly; to arrange in new form without
👉Remiss: ڈھیلا، غافل neglectful
👉Repertoire: فہرست نمائش range; set of skills
👉Reprehensible: قابلِ مذمت very bad; culpable;
blame worthy
👉Reprieve: ملتوی کرنا let off (atleast temporarily); delay; cancel
👉Reprimanded: سرزنش ، ملامت scolded
👉Resilience: ابھرنے کی قوت strength; ability to withstand
👉Resolute: مستقل ، مظبوط firm of purpose
👉Retraction: دست برداری removal; taking back
👉Rhetoric: فنِ خطابت persuasive language
👉Robust: بہت زیادہ strong and sturdy
👉Rousing: بیداری stirring; full of enthusiasm
👉Rudimentary: ابتدائی elementary; basic; not developed
👉Salvageable: محفوظ ہونے والا can be saved
👉Sanctity: مقدس holiness
👉Sarcasm: طنز sneering; bitter remarks; ironic or taunting
👉Scouring: منجھائی cleaning thoroughly; thorough searching; comb
👉Scrutinize: جانچنا examine carefully
👉Secluded: اکیلاپن lonely; isolated
👉Sedate: پر سکون calm; placid
Seditious: فتنہ انگیز causing division or rebellion
👉Sedulous: جفاکش thorough; eager
Serene: بردبار peaceful
👉Sermonize: خطبہ دینا give moral lecture
✏ Comfort Delight
✏ Delay. Retard
✏ Accelerate. Speed Up
✏ Gripe. Grouse
✏ Pariah. Out Cast
✏ Affirm. Over
✏ Brave. Confront
✏ Modern Present
✏ Flattery. Praise
✏. Dubious. Suspect
✏ Emulate. Copy
✏ Humane. Charitable
✏ Generous. Helpful
✏ Bounteous. Generous
✏ Aimless Haphazard
✏ Basis Precedent
✏ Childish. Juvenile
✏ Response. Retort
✏ Conquer. Overcome
✏ Apposite. Proper
✏ Meeker. Increase
✏ Careless. Negligent
✏ Laud. Magnify
✏ Appeal. Request
✏ Relish. Zest
✏ Glaring. Obvious
✏ Flagrant. Gross
✏ Deft. Skillful
✏ Uncouth. Rude
✏ Peer. Equal
✏ Apprise. Inform
✏ Tenuous. Uncertain
✏ Expedient. Practical
✏ Scrumptious. Delicious
✏ Affable. Friendly
✏ Obscure. Unclear
✏ Malevolent. Hateful
✏ Privilege. Honor
✏ Perseverance. Persistence
✏ Comprise. Form
✏ Henpeck. Nag
✏ Precocious. Advanced
✏ Reverence. Respect
✏ Replete. Full
✏ Abridge Shorten
✏ Muster. Gather
✏ Retribution. Reverence
✏ Sheaf. Bunch
✏ Amenities. Comforts
✏ Conviction. Certainty
✏ Cadre. Group
✏ Wary. Careless
✏ Mundane. Commonplace
✏ Latent. Inactive
✏ Impugn. Criticize
✏ Frugal. Economical
✏ Tenure. Term
✏ Bespoke. Custom-made
✏ Conception. Thought
✏ Imbibe. Drink
✏ Recoil. Flinch
✏ Adversary. Enemy
✏ Paramount. Supreme
✏ Impugn. Criticize
✏ Effusive. Emotional
✏ Oblivious. Unaware
✏ Voracious. Insatiable
✏ Impeccable. flawless
✏ Due. Expected
✏ Tacit. Khamosh
✏ Taciturn. Khamosh, kam bat krne wala
✏ Tact. Hoshiyari
✏ Tactician. Shatir
✏ Tactics. Tadbeer
✏ Take Over. Jaiza Lena
✏ Talent. Zahanat
✏ Talkative. Batoni
✏ Tall Lambha
✏ Tadpole. Mendak ka bacha
✏ Take After. Mushaba Hona
✏ Taint. Dahak
✏ Tamarind. Imli
✏ Take off. Utar dena
✏ Take in dakhel krna
✏ Tangibly. Wazeh tor par
✏ Tardily. Kaheli se
✏ Tangible. Jis ko Choa jasake
✏ Tasty. Mazy dar
✏ Taught. Taleem dena
✏ Tawdry. Bhonda
✏ Tearful. Pur ashk
✏ Tedious. Thaka dene wala
✏ Tawny. gandomi
✏ Terminal. Akhri
✏ Termination. Ikhtedam
✏ Terminus manzil
✏ Termite. Demak
✏ Terrorization. Khoof zada Krna
✏ Testament. Injeel
✏ Testate wasiyat kiya gaya
✏ Terminable. Ikhtedam pazir
✏ Terminal. Akhair
✏ Termination. Aktedam
✏ Terminate. Khatam krna
✏ Thence. Us jaga se
✏ Thenceforth. Us maqam se
✏ Theocratic. Deni
✏ Theory. Nazarya
✏ Thereby. is ke ba is
✏ Thirst. Khoish
✏ Thorough. Mukamble
✏ Thing. Cheez
✏ Tit for Tat. Adle ka badla
✏ Time to Time. Waqat waqat se
✏ Timidly. buzdili se
✏ Tide. Waqat
✏ Tie up kam ruk jana
✏ Timid. Dar Pok
✏ Timorous. Buzdill
✏ Thin Skinned. Tang mizaj
✏ Theif. Chor
✔Agglomeration مجموعہ Collection
✔Aggrandize بڑھنا Increase
✔Aghast خطرناک Horrified
✔Agitate بھڑکانا Stir up
✔Agility تیز رفتاری Nimbleness
✔Alacrity تیزی Promptness
✔Agog جذباتی Curious
✔Allay کم کرناPacify
✔Allegiance وفاداری Loyalty
✔Allure مائل کرنا Entice
✔Ambush حملہ Attack
✔Amenable تابع Obedient
✔Amiss غلطWrong
✔Amity دوستیFriendship
👉Eulogy: تعریف ا praise
👉Exacerbate: مشکل یا تکلیف بڑھانا make worse
👉Exasperation: غصہ frustration and annoyance
👉Excise: قطع کرنا، محصول cut out
👉Exemplar: مثالی excellent example of
👉Exonerated: بری الذمہ proved not guilty; acquit
👉Exorbitant: بہت زیادہ excessive
👉Exotic: عجب strange; foreign
👉Expeditious: پھرتیلا speedy; hasten
👉Extant: باقی، بچا ہوا still in existence; opposite of extinct
👉Extirpation: تباہی destruction
👉Extol: تعریفوں کے پل باندھنا praise; glorify
👉Extrapolate: قیاسی علم لینا predict on the basis of existing data; extended
👉Facile: سان ترین over simplified
👉Faction: گروہ section; group with common interests
👉Fastidious:نک چڑا very fussy; excessively concerned (esp. about cleanliness)
👉Fawning: خوشامدی groveling; slavish; obsequious
👉Fidelity: وفاداری faithfulness; loyalty
👉Finagle: دھوکہ سے حاصل کرنا wheedle; wangle; trick
👉Finesse: مہارت skill
👉Fitful: غیر مسلسل intermittent; on and off; not continous
👉Flabbergast: سکتہ میں لانا shock; make speechless
👉Flag: خم کھانا ، جھنڈا to lose energy; to signal
👉Rambunctious: بے قابو boisterous; highly exuberant; unruly
👉Rancor: بد مزاجی bitterness and bad feeling
👉Ratify: منظوری دینا give approval to (official)
👉Raze: مٹا دینا ، ڈھانا known down, destroy
👉Reclusive: تنہائی پسند Avoid other people; solitary
👉Recrimination:الزام دینا blame
👉Rectitude: راست بازی uprightness
👉Redolent: خوشبو دار smelling of (literal or metaphoric)
👉Regressive: واپس مڑنا moving backwards (literal or metaphoric)
👉Rehash: پرانی چیزوں کو نیا بنا کر پیش کرنا revamp hurriedly/carelessly; to arrange in new form without
👉Remiss: ڈھیلا، غافل neglectful
👉Repertoire: فہرست نمائش range; set of skills
👉Reprehensible: قابلِ مذمت very bad; culpable;
blame worthy
👉Reprieve: ملتوی کرنا let off (atleast temporarily); delay; cancel
👉Reprimanded: سرزنش ، ملامت scolded
👉Resilience: ابھرنے کی قوت strength; ability to withstand
👉Resolute: مستقل ، مظبوط firm of purpose
👉Retraction: دست برداری removal; taking back
👉Rhetoric: فنِ خطابت persuasive language
👉Robust: بہت زیادہ strong and sturdy
👉Rousing: بیداری stirring; full of enthusiasm
👉Rudimentary: ابتدائی elementary; basic; not developed
👉Salvageable: محفوظ ہونے والا can be saved
👉Sanctity: مقدس holiness
👉Sarcasm: طنز sneering; bitter remarks; ironic or taunting
👉Scouring: منجھائی cleaning thoroughly; thorough searching; comb
👉Scrutinize: جانچنا examine carefully
👉Secluded: اکیلاپن lonely; isolated
👉Sedate: پر سکون calm; placid
Seditious: فتنہ انگیز causing division or rebellion
👉Sedulous: جفاکش thorough; eager
Serene: بردبار peaceful
👉Sermonize: خطبہ دینا give moral lecture
✏ Comfort Delight
✏ Delay. Retard
✏ Accelerate. Speed Up
✏ Gripe. Grouse
✏ Pariah. Out Cast
✏ Affirm. Over
✏ Brave. Confront
✏ Modern Present
✏ Flattery. Praise
✏. Dubious. Suspect
✏ Emulate. Copy
✏ Humane. Charitable
✏ Generous. Helpful
✏ Bounteous. Generous
✏ Aimless Haphazard
✏ Basis Precedent
✏ Childish. Juvenile
✏ Response. Retort
✏ Conquer. Overcome
✏ Apposite. Proper
✏ Meeker. Increase
✏ Careless. Negligent
✏ Laud. Magnify
✏ Appeal. Request
✏ Relish. Zest
✏ Glaring. Obvious
✏ Flagrant. Gross
✏ Deft. Skillful
✏ Uncouth. Rude
✏ Peer. Equal
✏ Apprise. Inform
✏ Tenuous. Uncertain
✏ Expedient. Practical
✏ Scrumptious. Delicious
✏ Affable. Friendly
✏ Obscure. Unclear
✏ Malevolent. Hateful
✏ Privilege. Honor
✏ Perseverance. Persistence
✏ Comprise. Form
✏ Henpeck. Nag
✏ Precocious. Advanced
✏ Reverence. Respect
✏ Replete. Full
✏ Abridge Shorten
✏ Muster. Gather
✏ Retribution. Reverence
✏ Sheaf. Bunch
✏ Amenities. Comforts
✏ Conviction. Certainty
✏ Cadre. Group
✏ Wary. Careless
✏ Mundane. Commonplace
✏ Latent. Inactive
✏ Impugn. Criticize
✏ Frugal. Economical
✏ Tenure. Term
✏ Bespoke. Custom-made
✏ Conception. Thought
✏ Imbibe. Drink
✏ Recoil. Flinch
✏ Adversary. Enemy
✏ Paramount. Supreme
✏ Impugn. Criticize
✏ Effusive. Emotional
✏ Oblivious. Unaware
✏ Voracious. Insatiable
✏ Impeccable. flawless
✏ Due. Expected
✏ Tacit. Khamosh
✏ Taciturn. Khamosh, kam bat krne wala
✏ Tact. Hoshiyari
✏ Tactician. Shatir
✏ Tactics. Tadbeer
✏ Take Over. Jaiza Lena
✏ Talent. Zahanat
✏ Talkative. Batoni
✏ Tall Lambha
✏ Tadpole. Mendak ka bacha
✏ Take After. Mushaba Hona
✏ Taint. Dahak
✏ Tamarind. Imli
✏ Take off. Utar dena
✏ Take in dakhel krna
✏ Tangibly. Wazeh tor par
✏ Tardily. Kaheli se
✏ Tangible. Jis ko Choa jasake
✏ Tasty. Mazy dar
✏ Taught. Taleem dena
✏ Tawdry. Bhonda
✏ Tearful. Pur ashk
✏ Tedious. Thaka dene wala
✏ Tawny. gandomi
✏ Terminal. Akhri
✏ Termination. Ikhtedam
✏ Terminus manzil
✏ Termite. Demak
✏ Terrorization. Khoof zada Krna
✏ Testament. Injeel
✏ Testate wasiyat kiya gaya
✏ Terminable. Ikhtedam pazir
✏ Terminal. Akhair
✏ Termination. Aktedam
✏ Terminate. Khatam krna
✏ Thence. Us jaga se
✏ Thenceforth. Us maqam se
✏ Theocratic. Deni
✏ Theory. Nazarya
✏ Thereby. is ke ba is
✏ Thirst. Khoish
✏ Thorough. Mukamble
✏ Thing. Cheez
✏ Tit for Tat. Adle ka badla
✏ Time to Time. Waqat waqat se
✏ Timidly. buzdili se
✏ Tide. Waqat
✏ Tie up kam ruk jana
✏ Timid. Dar Pok
✏ Timorous. Buzdill
✏ Thin Skinned. Tang mizaj
✏ Theif. Chor

Thursday, 4 July 2019
Physics important points
Important points of Physics Part 1 and part 2
#Part 1
#1.Value of "g" remains constant in the range of 1km.
#2.Area under v-t graph gave distance.
#3. Fnet=0 , ∆a=0 , ∆v does not equal to zero. The body will move with constant velocity.
#4. When a triangle have two sides equal then there angle will also be equal.
#5.increase in K.E=4 times
P= 2 times
#6. Every declaration is not retardation acceleration but every retardation acceleration is deceleration.
#7. Rocket propulsion involved Newton's 3rd law of Motion.
#8. In Equation of motion , the acceleration is uniform.
#9. One second is defined as 9192631770 periods of Cesium clock.
#10. The magnitude of dot product and cross product will be same at 45° and 225°.
#11. In stationary wave pressure is maximum at node and minimum at anti-node.
#12. For Resonance;
i- Amplitude large
ii- Frequencies match
iii- Response must
#13. Speed of sound in ;
i- solid 5000m/S
ii- liquid 1500m/s
iii- Gas 332m/s and vaccum zero.
#14.Sound waves cannot be polarized because they are Longitudinal Waves.
#15. Human ear can listen
Infrasonic< 20Hz and 20000Hz<Ultrasonic
#16. Same medium. Different medium
V=f x lambda. V= f x lambda
V remains constant. f remains constant.
Diffraction. Refraction
#17. Speed of sound depends upon;
i- pressure
ii- increase in temp
iii- molecular weight
#18. The wave which start from extreme position called cosine wave.
#19. Sine wave starts from mean position.
#20. Pyrometer used to measure pressure and Barometer used for high and low pressure.
#21. For a satellite orbiting around earth P.E is greater than K.E.
#22. Dyrometer:- Energy measurements.
#23. K.E is inversaly proportional to moment of inertia.
#24. Acceleration describes path motion followed by body.
#25.No. Of beats per second= Diff of frequencies (beats)
#26. S.H.M is a type rectilinear motion.
#27. Linear Magnification
M= infinite
#28. Resolving power inversaly proportional to wavelength and directly proportional to Diameter.
#29. In YDSE wavefront divided.
#30. Distance b/w object and its real image formed by convex lens cannot be less than 4f.
#31. At the point if contact of lens and glass plate thickness is zero.
That's why Newton's centre is dark.
#32. When object is placed B/w principle axis and focus image is erect, virtual and enlarge.
#33. Focal length of directly proportional to wavelength means maxi for red and mini for violet.
#34. The reason of seeing sun earlier of sunrise is refraction of light.
#35. Rainbow form due to dispersion and total internal reflection combination.
#36. When water heat
0° - 4° volume decrease
5°- 100° volume increases.
#37. CNG engine efficiency= 18%
Petrol engine=25%
Disel engine =40-45%
#38.change in entropy in adiabatic is zero.
#39. We cannot see through the fog due to scattering.
#40. Scattering inversaly proportional to wavelength.
#41. Response for yellow-green light human eye is 5500A°.
#42. Intensity becomes half after polarization.
#43. Stars seems twinkle due to different refractive index in atmosphere of earth.
#44. Newton's rings formed due to interference.
#45.total internal reflection conditions;
i- Denser to rare.
ii- incidence angle > critical angle.
#46.Entropy of gases is greater than the solids.
#47. Real gases can obey gas law for
High temp and low pressure.
#Part 2
#1. When electrons removed from neutral metal electric charge on it is +1.6C.
#2. Metal cannot be used as electric medium B/w plates of capacitor.
3. A charged conductor has charge on its outer surface.
4. Glass has losely bounded electrons.
5. Glass used B/w parallel plate capacitor to increase capacitance.
6. Work done in carrying a unit charge b/w two points on an equipotential is zero.
7. Flux density is a vector quantity.
8. Tensor is a quantity which have different values in different directions.
9. Mass of Alpha particle is 4 times of mass of proton.
10. Charge on alpha particle is 2 times of proton.
11. A device is non ohmic its resistance is dynamic.
12. A hollow charged surface does not produce E at internal.
13.when supply us given to a transfer its output voltage is zero volt.
14. The electrical circut used to got smooth D.C output for a rectifier is called Filter.
15. A hot body will rediate maxi energy if its surface is Black and rough.
16. Diode can't perform amplification because it is a two terminal device.
17. A choke coil have high inductance and low resistance. It control current due to Lenz's law.
18. The value of A.C produces heat is called virtual value.(Ch # 16 article before three phase)
19. In Hysteresis magnetizing current leads the magnetism.
20. Potential drop not depend upon temp.
21. A fast reactor does not use a moderator. i.e Uranium does not need a moderator.
22. Lyman series lies in both absorption and emissions.
23. Compound micro scope theory explained by liquid drop theory.
24. Fusion reaction is a source of energy in Hydrogen bomb and sun.
25. Fission reaction produces energy 0.9MeV per nucleon.
26. Fussion reaction produces energy 6MeV per nucleon.
27. A photon is always consideres to moving with speed of light.
28. Leptrons are electron , neutrino and anti-neutrino.
29. Proton and neutron are called nucleon.
30. The meaning of negative energy in a system indicate Bound energy.
31. Gamma particles are more penetrating but alpha are most dangerous for body.
32. Entering Flux is +ve and outgoing flux is -ve.
33. Ohm's law is only applicable to conductors.
34. Drift velocity cannot be increased by temp.
35. Magnetic field toward reader shows by X(outward).
36. Because of ionization of salt conductivity increases( last year this was appered in ECAT).
37. Current obtained by generator is displacement current.
38. The conductivity of super conductor is infinite.
39. Energy stored in chowk coil in the form of magneitc energy.
40. The best matriel for core of transformer is soft iron.
41. The energy produced in fussion reaction is 6 times more than a fission reaction.
42. Fussion takes place on earth only in Hydrogen bomb.
43. An op-amp consists of total 5 terminals.
44. Neutrons are more damaging for eyes.
45. Laser is used in micro surgery.
46.Fission reaction was discovered by two German scientists who Ottottann and Strassman in
47. Einstien photoelectric effect base upon conservation of mass.
48. Nuclear forces are short range and charge independent.
49. Penetrating power of X rays can be increased by frequency.
50. D.C have zero Frequency.
51. Good matriel for making Electro magnet is Iron.
52. Admittance is reciprocal of impedance.Important points of Physics Part 1 and part 2
Part 1
1.Value of "g" remains constant in the range of 1km.
2.Area under v-t graph gave distance.
3. Fnet=0 , ∆a=0 , ∆v does not equal to zero. The body will move with constant velocity.
4. When a triangle have two sides equal then there angle will also be equal.
5.increase in K.E=4 times
P= 2 times
6. Every declaration is not retardation acceleration but every retardation acceleration is deceleration.
7. Rocket propulsion involved Newton's 3rd law of Motion.
8. In Equation of motion , the acceleration is uniform.
9. One second is defined as 9192631770 periods of Cesium clock.
10. The magnitude of dot product and cross product will be same at 45° and 225°.
11. In stationary wave pressure is maximum at node and minimum at anti-node.
12. For Resonance;
i- Amplitude large
ii- Frequencies match
iii- Response must
13. Speed of sound in ;
i- solid 5000m/S
ii- liquid 1500m/s
iii- Gas 332m/s and vaccum zero.
14.Sound waves cannot be polarized because they are Longitudinal Waves.
15. Human ear can listen
Infrasonic< 20Hz and 20000Hz<Ultrasonic
16. Same medium. Different medium
V=f x lambda. V= f x lambda
V remains constant. f remains constant.
Diffraction. Refraction
17. Speed of sound depends upon;
i- pressure
ii- increase in temp
iii- molecular weight
18. The wave which start from extreme position called cosine wave.
19. Sine wave starts from mean position.
20. Pyrometer used to measure pressure and Barometer used for high and low pressure.
21. For a satellite orbiting around earth P.E is greater than K.E.
22. Dyrometer:- Energy measurements.
23. K.E is inversaly proportional to moment of inertia.
24. Acceleration describes path motion followed by body.
25.No. Of beats per second= Diff of frequencies (beats)
26. S.H.M is a type rectilinear motion.
27. Linear Magnification
M= infinite
28. Resolving power inversaly proportional to wavelength and directly proportional to Diameter.
29. In YDSE wavefront divided.
30. Distance b/w object and its real image formed by convex lens cannot be less than 4f.
31. At the point if contact of lens and glass plate thickness is zero.
That's why Newton's centre is dark.
32. When object is placed B/w principle axis and focus image is erect, virtual and enlarge.
33. Focal length of directly proportional to wavelength means maxi for red and mini for violet.
34. The reason of seeing sun earlier of sunrise is refraction of light.
35. Rainbow form due to dispersion and total internal reflection combination.
36. When water heat
0° - 4° volume decrease
5°- 100° volume increases.
37. CNG engine efficiency= 18%
Petrol engine=25%
Disel engine =40-45%
38.change in entropy in adiabatic is zero.
39. We cannot see through the fog due to scattering.
40. Scattering inversaly proportional to wavelength.
41. Response for yellow-green light human eye is 5500A°.
42. Intensity becomes half after polarization.
43. Stars seems twinkle due to different refractive index in atmosphere of earth.
44. Newton's rings formed due to interference.
45.total internal reflection conditions;
i- Denser to rare.
ii- incidence angle > critical angle.
46.Entropy of gases is greater than the solids.
47. Real gases can obey gas law for
High temp and low pressure.
Part 2
1. When electrons removed from neutral metal electric charge on it is +1.6C.
2. Metal cannot be used as electric medium B/w plates of capacitor.
3. A charged conductor has charge on its outer surface.
4. Glass has losely bounded electrons.
5. Glass used B/w parallel plate capacitor to increase capacitance.
6. Work done in carrying a unit charge b/w two points on an equipotential is zero.
7. Flux density is a vector quantity.
8. Tensor is a quantity which have different values in different directions.
9. Mass of Alpha particle is 4 times of mass of proton.
10. Charge on alpha particle is 2 times of proton.
11. A device is non ohmic its resistance is dynamic.
12. A hollow charged surface does not produce E at internal.
13.when supply us given to a transfer its output voltage is zero volt.
14. The electrical circut used to got smooth D.C output for a rectifier is called Filter.
15. A hot body will rediate maxi energy if its surface is Black and rough.
16. Diode can't perform amplification because it is a two terminal device.
17. A choke coil have high inductance and low resistance. It control current due to Lenz's law.
18. The value of A.C produces heat is called virtual value.(Ch # 16 article before three phase)
19. In Hysteresis magnetizing current leads the magnetism.
20. Potential drop not depend upon temp.
21. A fast reactor does not use a moderator. i.e Uranium does not need a moderator.
22. Lyman series lies in both absorption and emissions.
23. Compound micro scope theory explained by liquid drop theory.
24. Fusion reaction is a source of energy in Hydrogen bomb and sun.
25. Fission reaction produces energy 0.9MeV per nucleon.
26. Fussion reaction produces energy 6MeV per nucleon.
27. A photon is always consideres to moving with speed of light.
28. Leptrons are electron , neutrino and anti-neutrino.
29. Proton and neutron are called nucleon.
30. The meaning of negative energy in a system indicate Bound energy.
31. Gamma particles are more penetrating but alpha are most dangerous for body.
32. Entering Flux is +ve and outgoing flux is -ve.
33. Ohm's law is only applicable to conductors.
34. Drift velocity cannot be increased by temp.
35. Magnetic field toward reader shows by X(outward).
36. Because of ionization of salt conductivity increases( last year this was appered in ECAT).
37. Current obtained by generator is displacement current.
38. The conductivity of super conductor is infinite.
39. Energy stored in chowk coil in the form of magneitc energy.
40. The best matriel for core of transformer is soft iron.
41. The energy produced in fussion reaction is 6 times more than a fission reaction.
42. Fussion takes place on earth only in Hydrogen bomb.
43. An op-amp consists of total 5 terminals.
44. Neutrons are more damaging for eyes.
45. Laser is used in micro surgery.
46.Fission reaction was discovered by two German scientists who Ottottann and Strassman in
47. Einstien photoelectric effect base upon conservation of mass.
48. Nuclear forces are short range and charge independent.
49. Penetrating power of X rays can be increased by frequency.
50. D.C have zero Frequency.
51. Good matriel for making Electro magnet is Iron.
52. Admittance is reciprocal of impedance
Important points of Physics Part 1 and part 2
#Part 1
#1.Value of "g" remains constant in the range of 1km.
#2.Area under v-t graph gave distance.
#3. Fnet=0 , ∆a=0 , ∆v does not equal to zero. The body will move with constant velocity.
#4. When a triangle have two sides equal then there angle will also be equal.
#5.increase in K.E=4 times
P= 2 times
#6. Every declaration is not retardation acceleration but every retardation acceleration is deceleration.
#7. Rocket propulsion involved Newton's 3rd law of Motion.
#8. In Equation of motion , the acceleration is uniform.
#9. One second is defined as 9192631770 periods of Cesium clock.
#10. The magnitude of dot product and cross product will be same at 45° and 225°.
#11. In stationary wave pressure is maximum at node and minimum at anti-node.
#12. For Resonance;
i- Amplitude large
ii- Frequencies match
iii- Response must
#13. Speed of sound in ;
i- solid 5000m/S
ii- liquid 1500m/s
iii- Gas 332m/s and vaccum zero.
#14.Sound waves cannot be polarized because they are Longitudinal Waves.
#15. Human ear can listen
Infrasonic< 20Hz and 20000Hz<Ultrasonic
#16. Same medium. Different medium
V=f x lambda. V= f x lambda
V remains constant. f remains constant.
Diffraction. Refraction
#17. Speed of sound depends upon;
i- pressure
ii- increase in temp
iii- molecular weight
#18. The wave which start from extreme position called cosine wave.
#19. Sine wave starts from mean position.
#20. Pyrometer used to measure pressure and Barometer used for high and low pressure.
#21. For a satellite orbiting around earth P.E is greater than K.E.
#22. Dyrometer:- Energy measurements.
#23. K.E is inversaly proportional to moment of inertia.
#24. Acceleration describes path motion followed by body.
#25.No. Of beats per second= Diff of frequencies (beats)
#26. S.H.M is a type rectilinear motion.
#27. Linear Magnification
M= infinite
#28. Resolving power inversaly proportional to wavelength and directly proportional to Diameter.
#29. In YDSE wavefront divided.
#30. Distance b/w object and its real image formed by convex lens cannot be less than 4f.
#31. At the point if contact of lens and glass plate thickness is zero.
That's why Newton's centre is dark.
#32. When object is placed B/w principle axis and focus image is erect, virtual and enlarge.
#33. Focal length of directly proportional to wavelength means maxi for red and mini for violet.
#34. The reason of seeing sun earlier of sunrise is refraction of light.
#35. Rainbow form due to dispersion and total internal reflection combination.
#36. When water heat
0° - 4° volume decrease
5°- 100° volume increases.
#37. CNG engine efficiency= 18%
Petrol engine=25%
Disel engine =40-45%
#38.change in entropy in adiabatic is zero.
#39. We cannot see through the fog due to scattering.
#40. Scattering inversaly proportional to wavelength.
#41. Response for yellow-green light human eye is 5500A°.
#42. Intensity becomes half after polarization.
#43. Stars seems twinkle due to different refractive index in atmosphere of earth.
#44. Newton's rings formed due to interference.
#45.total internal reflection conditions;
i- Denser to rare.
ii- incidence angle > critical angle.
#46.Entropy of gases is greater than the solids.
#47. Real gases can obey gas law for
High temp and low pressure.
#Part 2
#1. When electrons removed from neutral metal electric charge on it is +1.6C.
#2. Metal cannot be used as electric medium B/w plates of capacitor.
3. A charged conductor has charge on its outer surface.
4. Glass has losely bounded electrons.
5. Glass used B/w parallel plate capacitor to increase capacitance.
6. Work done in carrying a unit charge b/w two points on an equipotential is zero.
7. Flux density is a vector quantity.
8. Tensor is a quantity which have different values in different directions.
9. Mass of Alpha particle is 4 times of mass of proton.
10. Charge on alpha particle is 2 times of proton.
11. A device is non ohmic its resistance is dynamic.
12. A hollow charged surface does not produce E at internal.
13.when supply us given to a transfer its output voltage is zero volt.
14. The electrical circut used to got smooth D.C output for a rectifier is called Filter.
15. A hot body will rediate maxi energy if its surface is Black and rough.
16. Diode can't perform amplification because it is a two terminal device.
17. A choke coil have high inductance and low resistance. It control current due to Lenz's law.
18. The value of A.C produces heat is called virtual value.(Ch # 16 article before three phase)
19. In Hysteresis magnetizing current leads the magnetism.
20. Potential drop not depend upon temp.
21. A fast reactor does not use a moderator. i.e Uranium does not need a moderator.
22. Lyman series lies in both absorption and emissions.
23. Compound micro scope theory explained by liquid drop theory.
24. Fusion reaction is a source of energy in Hydrogen bomb and sun.
25. Fission reaction produces energy 0.9MeV per nucleon.
26. Fussion reaction produces energy 6MeV per nucleon.
27. A photon is always consideres to moving with speed of light.
28. Leptrons are electron , neutrino and anti-neutrino.
29. Proton and neutron are called nucleon.
30. The meaning of negative energy in a system indicate Bound energy.
31. Gamma particles are more penetrating but alpha are most dangerous for body.
32. Entering Flux is +ve and outgoing flux is -ve.
33. Ohm's law is only applicable to conductors.
34. Drift velocity cannot be increased by temp.
35. Magnetic field toward reader shows by X(outward).
36. Because of ionization of salt conductivity increases( last year this was appered in ECAT).
37. Current obtained by generator is displacement current.
38. The conductivity of super conductor is infinite.
39. Energy stored in chowk coil in the form of magneitc energy.
40. The best matriel for core of transformer is soft iron.
41. The energy produced in fussion reaction is 6 times more than a fission reaction.
42. Fussion takes place on earth only in Hydrogen bomb.
43. An op-amp consists of total 5 terminals.
44. Neutrons are more damaging for eyes.
45. Laser is used in micro surgery.
46.Fission reaction was discovered by two German scientists who Ottottann and Strassman in
47. Einstien photoelectric effect base upon conservation of mass.
48. Nuclear forces are short range and charge independent.
49. Penetrating power of X rays can be increased by frequency.
50. D.C have zero Frequency.
51. Good matriel for making Electro magnet is Iron.
52. Admittance is reciprocal of impedance.Important points of Physics Part 1 and part 2
Part 1
1.Value of "g" remains constant in the range of 1km.
2.Area under v-t graph gave distance.
3. Fnet=0 , ∆a=0 , ∆v does not equal to zero. The body will move with constant velocity.
4. When a triangle have two sides equal then there angle will also be equal.
5.increase in K.E=4 times
P= 2 times
6. Every declaration is not retardation acceleration but every retardation acceleration is deceleration.
7. Rocket propulsion involved Newton's 3rd law of Motion.
8. In Equation of motion , the acceleration is uniform.
9. One second is defined as 9192631770 periods of Cesium clock.
10. The magnitude of dot product and cross product will be same at 45° and 225°.
11. In stationary wave pressure is maximum at node and minimum at anti-node.
12. For Resonance;
i- Amplitude large
ii- Frequencies match
iii- Response must
13. Speed of sound in ;
i- solid 5000m/S
ii- liquid 1500m/s
iii- Gas 332m/s and vaccum zero.
14.Sound waves cannot be polarized because they are Longitudinal Waves.
15. Human ear can listen
Infrasonic< 20Hz and 20000Hz<Ultrasonic
16. Same medium. Different medium
V=f x lambda. V= f x lambda
V remains constant. f remains constant.
Diffraction. Refraction
17. Speed of sound depends upon;
i- pressure
ii- increase in temp
iii- molecular weight
18. The wave which start from extreme position called cosine wave.
19. Sine wave starts from mean position.
20. Pyrometer used to measure pressure and Barometer used for high and low pressure.
21. For a satellite orbiting around earth P.E is greater than K.E.
22. Dyrometer:- Energy measurements.
23. K.E is inversaly proportional to moment of inertia.
24. Acceleration describes path motion followed by body.
25.No. Of beats per second= Diff of frequencies (beats)
26. S.H.M is a type rectilinear motion.
27. Linear Magnification
M= infinite
28. Resolving power inversaly proportional to wavelength and directly proportional to Diameter.
29. In YDSE wavefront divided.
30. Distance b/w object and its real image formed by convex lens cannot be less than 4f.
31. At the point if contact of lens and glass plate thickness is zero.
That's why Newton's centre is dark.
32. When object is placed B/w principle axis and focus image is erect, virtual and enlarge.
33. Focal length of directly proportional to wavelength means maxi for red and mini for violet.
34. The reason of seeing sun earlier of sunrise is refraction of light.
35. Rainbow form due to dispersion and total internal reflection combination.
36. When water heat
0° - 4° volume decrease
5°- 100° volume increases.
37. CNG engine efficiency= 18%
Petrol engine=25%
Disel engine =40-45%
38.change in entropy in adiabatic is zero.
39. We cannot see through the fog due to scattering.
40. Scattering inversaly proportional to wavelength.
41. Response for yellow-green light human eye is 5500A°.
42. Intensity becomes half after polarization.
43. Stars seems twinkle due to different refractive index in atmosphere of earth.
44. Newton's rings formed due to interference.
45.total internal reflection conditions;
i- Denser to rare.
ii- incidence angle > critical angle.
46.Entropy of gases is greater than the solids.
47. Real gases can obey gas law for
High temp and low pressure.
Part 2
1. When electrons removed from neutral metal electric charge on it is +1.6C.
2. Metal cannot be used as electric medium B/w plates of capacitor.
3. A charged conductor has charge on its outer surface.
4. Glass has losely bounded electrons.
5. Glass used B/w parallel plate capacitor to increase capacitance.
6. Work done in carrying a unit charge b/w two points on an equipotential is zero.
7. Flux density is a vector quantity.
8. Tensor is a quantity which have different values in different directions.
9. Mass of Alpha particle is 4 times of mass of proton.
10. Charge on alpha particle is 2 times of proton.
11. A device is non ohmic its resistance is dynamic.
12. A hollow charged surface does not produce E at internal.
13.when supply us given to a transfer its output voltage is zero volt.
14. The electrical circut used to got smooth D.C output for a rectifier is called Filter.
15. A hot body will rediate maxi energy if its surface is Black and rough.
16. Diode can't perform amplification because it is a two terminal device.
17. A choke coil have high inductance and low resistance. It control current due to Lenz's law.
18. The value of A.C produces heat is called virtual value.(Ch # 16 article before three phase)
19. In Hysteresis magnetizing current leads the magnetism.
20. Potential drop not depend upon temp.
21. A fast reactor does not use a moderator. i.e Uranium does not need a moderator.
22. Lyman series lies in both absorption and emissions.
23. Compound micro scope theory explained by liquid drop theory.
24. Fusion reaction is a source of energy in Hydrogen bomb and sun.
25. Fission reaction produces energy 0.9MeV per nucleon.
26. Fussion reaction produces energy 6MeV per nucleon.
27. A photon is always consideres to moving with speed of light.
28. Leptrons are electron , neutrino and anti-neutrino.
29. Proton and neutron are called nucleon.
30. The meaning of negative energy in a system indicate Bound energy.
31. Gamma particles are more penetrating but alpha are most dangerous for body.
32. Entering Flux is +ve and outgoing flux is -ve.
33. Ohm's law is only applicable to conductors.
34. Drift velocity cannot be increased by temp.
35. Magnetic field toward reader shows by X(outward).
36. Because of ionization of salt conductivity increases( last year this was appered in ECAT).
37. Current obtained by generator is displacement current.
38. The conductivity of super conductor is infinite.
39. Energy stored in chowk coil in the form of magneitc energy.
40. The best matriel for core of transformer is soft iron.
41. The energy produced in fussion reaction is 6 times more than a fission reaction.
42. Fussion takes place on earth only in Hydrogen bomb.
43. An op-amp consists of total 5 terminals.
44. Neutrons are more damaging for eyes.
45. Laser is used in micro surgery.
46.Fission reaction was discovered by two German scientists who Ottottann and Strassman in
47. Einstien photoelectric effect base upon conservation of mass.
48. Nuclear forces are short range and charge independent.
49. Penetrating power of X rays can be increased by frequency.
50. D.C have zero Frequency.
51. Good matriel for making Electro magnet is Iron.
52. Admittance is reciprocal of impedance
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