✔Agglomeration مجموعہ Collection
✔Aggrandize بڑھنا Increase
✔Aghast خطرناک Horrified
✔Agitate بھڑکانا Stir up
✔Agility تیز رفتاری Nimbleness
✔Alacrity تیزی Promptness
✔Agog جذباتی Curious
✔Allay کم کرناPacify
✔Allegiance وفاداری Loyalty
✔Allure مائل کرنا Entice
✔Ambush حملہ Attack
✔Amenable تابع Obedient
✔Amiss غلطWrong
✔Amity دوستیFriendship
👉Eulogy: تعریف ا praise
👉Exacerbate: مشکل یا تکلیف بڑھانا make worse
👉Exasperation: غصہ frustration and annoyance
👉Excise: قطع کرنا، محصول cut out
👉Exemplar: مثالی excellent example of
👉Exonerated: بری الذمہ proved not guilty; acquit
👉Exorbitant: بہت زیادہ excessive
👉Exotic: عجب strange; foreign
👉Expeditious: پھرتیلا speedy; hasten
👉Extant: باقی، بچا ہوا still in existence; opposite of extinct
👉Extirpation: تباہی destruction
👉Extol: تعریفوں کے پل باندھنا praise; glorify
👉Extrapolate: قیاسی علم لینا predict on the basis of existing data; extended
👉Facile: سان ترین over simplified
👉Faction: گروہ section; group with common interests
👉Fastidious:نک چڑا very fussy; excessively concerned (esp. about cleanliness)
👉Fawning: خوشامدی groveling; slavish; obsequious
👉Fidelity: وفاداری faithfulness; loyalty
👉Finagle: دھوکہ سے حاصل کرنا wheedle; wangle; trick
👉Finesse: مہارت skill
👉Fitful: غیر مسلسل intermittent; on and off; not continous
👉Flabbergast: سکتہ میں لانا shock; make speechless
👉Flag: خم کھانا ، جھنڈا to lose energy; to signal
👉Rambunctious: بے قابو boisterous; highly exuberant; unruly
👉Rancor: بد مزاجی bitterness and bad feeling
👉Ratify: منظوری دینا give approval to (official)
👉Raze: مٹا دینا ، ڈھانا known down, destroy
👉Reclusive: تنہائی پسند Avoid other people; solitary
👉Recrimination:الزام دینا blame
👉Rectitude: راست بازی uprightness
👉Redolent: خوشبو دار smelling of (literal or metaphoric)
👉Regressive: واپس مڑنا moving backwards (literal or metaphoric)
👉Rehash: پرانی چیزوں کو نیا بنا کر پیش کرنا revamp hurriedly/carelessly; to arrange in new form without
👉Remiss: ڈھیلا، غافل neglectful
👉Repertoire: فہرست نمائش range; set of skills
👉Reprehensible: قابلِ مذمت very bad; culpable;
blame worthy
👉Reprieve: ملتوی کرنا let off (atleast temporarily); delay; cancel
👉Reprimanded: سرزنش ، ملامت scolded
👉Resilience: ابھرنے کی قوت strength; ability to withstand
👉Resolute: مستقل ، مظبوط firm of purpose
👉Retraction: دست برداری removal; taking back
👉Rhetoric: فنِ خطابت persuasive language
👉Robust: بہت زیادہ strong and sturdy
👉Rousing: بیداری stirring; full of enthusiasm
👉Rudimentary: ابتدائی elementary; basic; not developed
👉Salvageable: محفوظ ہونے والا can be saved
👉Sanctity: مقدس holiness
👉Sarcasm: طنز sneering; bitter remarks; ironic or taunting
👉Scouring: منجھائی cleaning thoroughly; thorough searching; comb
👉Scrutinize: جانچنا examine carefully
👉Secluded: اکیلاپن lonely; isolated
👉Sedate: پر سکون calm; placid
Seditious: فتنہ انگیز causing division or rebellion
👉Sedulous: جفاکش thorough; eager
Serene: بردبار peaceful
👉Sermonize: خطبہ دینا give moral lecture
✏ Comfort Delight
✏ Delay. Retard
✏ Accelerate. Speed Up
✏ Gripe. Grouse
✏ Pariah. Out Cast
✏ Affirm. Over
✏ Brave. Confront
✏ Modern Present
✏ Flattery. Praise
✏. Dubious. Suspect
✏ Emulate. Copy
✏ Humane. Charitable
✏ Generous. Helpful
✏ Bounteous. Generous
✏ Aimless Haphazard
✏ Basis Precedent
✏ Childish. Juvenile
✏ Response. Retort
✏ Conquer. Overcome
✏ Apposite. Proper
✏ Meeker. Increase
✏ Careless. Negligent
✏ Laud. Magnify
✏ Appeal. Request
✏ Relish. Zest
✏ Glaring. Obvious
✏ Flagrant. Gross
✏ Deft. Skillful
✏ Uncouth. Rude
✏ Peer. Equal
✏ Apprise. Inform
✏ Tenuous. Uncertain
✏ Expedient. Practical
✏ Scrumptious. Delicious
✏ Affable. Friendly
✏ Obscure. Unclear
✏ Malevolent. Hateful
✏ Privilege. Honor
✏ Perseverance. Persistence
✏ Comprise. Form
✏ Henpeck. Nag
✏ Precocious. Advanced
✏ Reverence. Respect
✏ Replete. Full
✏ Abridge Shorten
✏ Muster. Gather
✏ Retribution. Reverence
✏ Sheaf. Bunch
✏ Amenities. Comforts
✏ Conviction. Certainty
✏ Cadre. Group
✏ Wary. Careless
✏ Mundane. Commonplace
✏ Latent. Inactive
✏ Impugn. Criticize
✏ Frugal. Economical
✏ Tenure. Term
✏ Bespoke. Custom-made
✏ Conception. Thought
✏ Imbibe. Drink
✏ Recoil. Flinch
✏ Adversary. Enemy
✏ Paramount. Supreme
✏ Impugn. Criticize
✏ Effusive. Emotional
✏ Oblivious. Unaware
✏ Voracious. Insatiable
✏ Impeccable. flawless
✏ Due. Expected
✏ Tacit. Khamosh
✏ Taciturn. Khamosh, kam bat krne wala
✏ Tact. Hoshiyari
✏ Tactician. Shatir
✏ Tactics. Tadbeer
✏ Take Over. Jaiza Lena
✏ Talent. Zahanat
✏ Talkative. Batoni
✏ Tall Lambha
✏ Tadpole. Mendak ka bacha
✏ Take After. Mushaba Hona
✏ Taint. Dahak
✏ Tamarind. Imli
✏ Take off. Utar dena
✏ Take in dakhel krna
✏ Tangibly. Wazeh tor par
✏ Tardily. Kaheli se
✏ Tangible. Jis ko Choa jasake
✏ Tasty. Mazy dar
✏ Taught. Taleem dena
✏ Tawdry. Bhonda
✏ Tearful. Pur ashk
✏ Tedious. Thaka dene wala
✏ Tawny. gandomi
✏ Terminal. Akhri
✏ Termination. Ikhtedam
✏ Terminus manzil
✏ Termite. Demak
✏ Terrorization. Khoof zada Krna
✏ Testament. Injeel
✏ Testate wasiyat kiya gaya
✏ Terminable. Ikhtedam pazir
✏ Terminal. Akhair
✏ Termination. Aktedam
✏ Terminate. Khatam krna
✏ Thence. Us jaga se
✏ Thenceforth. Us maqam se
✏ Theocratic. Deni
✏ Theory. Nazarya
✏ Thereby. is ke ba is
✏ Thirst. Khoish
✏ Thorough. Mukamble
✏ Thing. Cheez
✏ Tit for Tat. Adle ka badla
✏ Time to Time. Waqat waqat se
✏ Timidly. buzdili se
✏ Tide. Waqat
✏ Tie up kam ruk jana
✏ Timid. Dar Pok
✏ Timorous. Buzdill
✏ Thin Skinned. Tang mizaj
✏ Theif. Chor

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