Friday, 15 November 2019

Chemistry MCQ's for Mcat/Ecat


Atoms, Molecules, Mixtures & Compounds
All are made up of millions of:
1. Atoms✔
2. Carbons
3. Molecules
4. Oxygen

An (a) ......... the smallest possible particle of element which has all the properties of that element:
1. Atoms✔
2. Carbons
3. Molecules
4. Oxygen

Elements are made up of:
1. Atoms✔
2. Carbons
3. Molecules
4. Oxygen

All atoms of an atom are:
1. Similar✔
2. Different
3. Both a & b
4. Rusty

The most common element found on the earth is:
1. Hydrogen
2. Carbons
3. Helium
4. Oxygen✔

The most simplest element found on the earth is:
1. Hydrogen✔
2. Carbons
3. Helium
4. Oxygen

When two or more Atoms combine together a (an)........ is formed :
1. Molecule✔
2. Atom
3. Both a & b
4. Oxygen

H2O is a chemical formula of:
1. Water✔
2. Milk
3. Salt
4. Sugar

A (an) .......... is the smallest particle of a compound and is made up of groups of atoms:
1. Molecule✔
2. Atom
3. Both a & b
4. Mixture

Molecules are not always made up of .......... elements:
1. Same
2. Similar
3. Different✔
4. Both a & b

Molecules are not always made up of .......... elements:
1. Same
2. Similar
3. Different✔
4. Both a & b

Name of Common Elements Symbols
Hydrogen H
Sodium Na
Carbon C
Nitrogen N
Oxygen O
Fluorine F
Chlorine Cl
Potassium K
Helium H
Neon Ne
Calcium Ca
Sulphar S
Phosphorus P
Aluminium Al
Magnesium Mg
Iron Fe
.......... are the simplest form of substance:
1. Atom
2. Molecule
3. Element✔
4. Both a & b

There are almost ....... elements found in nature:
1. 70
2. 120✔
3. 110
4. 100

.......... is the lightest gas and used for filling party and advertisement balloons:
1. Helium
2. Hydrogen✔
3. Oxygen
4. All of these

........, magnesium & iron are hard to used in building cars, bridges & houses:
1. Carbon
2. Aluminium✔
3. Fluorine
4. All of these

Metals and Non Metals are two important group of .......... on earth:
1. Mixtures
2. Elements✔
3. Compounds
4. All of these

Metals are usually solid at room temerature:
1. False
2. True✔

Metals can be drawn into sheets and wires:
1. False
2. True✔

Non Metals are often gases but some are also solid:
1. False
2. True✔

That made up by chemical combination of two or more elements:
1. Mixtures
2. Elements
3. Compounds✔
4. All of these

That are represented by formulas:
1. Mixtures
2. Elements
3. Compounds✔
4. All of these

Compounds Formulas
Carbon di-oxide CO2
Sodium Chloride NaCl
Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3
Water H2O
Sodium Hydroxide NaOH
It is made up of two or more substances, which are not combined chemically:
1. Mixture✔
2. Element
3. Compound
4. All of these

A........ can be separated into components by physical method:
1. Mixture✔
2. Element
3. Compound
4. All of these

A........ can be broken down into components by chemical method:
1. Mixture
2. Element
3. Compound✔
4. All of these

The components of ......... are mixed in a fixed ratio:
1. Mixture
2. Element
3. Compound✔
4. All of these

........... is mixture of gases:
1. Air✔
2. Solid
3. Liquid
4. All of these

........... % of Nitrogen gas in atmosphere:
1. 78✔
2. 21
3. 0.9
4. 0.037

........... % of Oxygen gas in atmosphere:
1. 78
2. 21✔
3. 0.9
4. 0.037

........... % of Other gases in atmosphere:
1. 78
2. 21
3. 0.9✔
4. 0.037

........... % of Carbon di-oxide gas in atmosphere:
1. 78
2. 21
3. 0.9
4. 0.037✔

The main reason of global warming due to the green house effect is:
1. Nitrogen
2. Hydrogen
3. Helium
4. Carbon dioxide✔

Planting more trees that convert carbon dioxide to .......... in the process of photosynthesis:
1. Lactose
2. Cellulose
3. Glucose✔
4. All of these

It is a process of separating insoluble solids from a mixture:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation
3. Filtration✔
4. Sublimation

You can separate a salt solution by another process called:
1. Crystallization✔
2. Distillation
3. Filtration
4. Sublimation

It is a process of purifying a liquid:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation✔
3. Filtration
4. Sublimation

It is a process of purifying a solid:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation
3. Filtration
4. Sublimation✔

It is a process that is used to separate coloured chemicals substances, especially dyes:
1. Crystallization
2. Distillation
3. Filtratio
4. Chromatography✔

Which of the following has a positive charge:
1. Proton
2. Neutron
3. Electron

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